The Naxal menace is getting out of control of the Government, both Centre and State. Should the Army be involved in curbing the menace and bring the situation under control ?

Sunday, August 11, 2013


For you contours are easier to read than the city maps ,
You feel comfortable in jungles and get lost in metros.
For you time is in hundred hours, where as 3' O clock is a direction,
Distance is always in multiples of hundred meters and you keep on loosing North.
When people meet near pubs, cafes and discos,
You meet near water tanks, bridges and survey trees.
For you Kenwood and Motorola are familiar brands of Radio sets
And Apple and Blackberry are fruits.
You never knew cars, mobiles and bikes also had series.
The only series you know is the AK series.
You remember names of all Tanzeems,
but do not know the name of IPL teams.
Stamps on your passport are of Congo and Sudan
where as others go to US, UK and Japan.
You remember the raising days of units,
but forget anniversaries and birthdays.
When others talk of CEO and COO,
You only know C with only one O.
For you lol and asap is Greek
and you even look for them in Appx 'C'.
When others talk of Pune, Bangalore and Gurgaon
you talk of Poonch, Bimbat and Bongaigaon.
For you, The Safety Honour and Welfare of your Country comes first,
Always and Every Time
and women will always be from Venus and not from Mars, always and every time.
For you green and blue are own safe zones,
Red and pink are danger zones.
For you the choice of arms was more painful than break ups and chasing girls is tougher than the march up.
You will travel 500 miles to meet her,
But will expect her to walk the last five steps.
You can talk to 500 rusty men for three hours,
But will be afraid to speak three magical words.
You will crack any code or language,
But a one line message from her, with a few dots and exclamation marks will confuse you.
For all those who think he is a flirt,
He will be the last man standing,
True to his vows and words......

Friday, August 9, 2013

The Last Post

Each time I listen to the tune of 'Last Post', I get tears in my eyes; the memories of the past are still afresh.

During the academy days, one of my very close friends used to say:

I am a soldier, not afraid to die
2 stars on the shoulders worth millions in the sky

If I die in the combat zone,
Box me up and send me home.

Pin my medals to my chest,
Tell my mom I did my best.

I was born a soldier, so did I die.

I lost this dear friend a few years back but he is still alive in my heart and I still cherish the times we spent together. This brave-heart gave his life for the country he loved more than anything else – in the highest traditions of the Indian Army and once again passing the message that we always put “Service Before Self”.

Always remember the fallen officers and soldiers – who lost their lives and their present for the better future of the nation. And respect the ones who have returned and who are still serving the armed forces
If you have ever been to a military funeral, you would remember ‘The Last Post’ which was played. This note of mine may bring out a new meaning of it and it is surely something which everybody should know.

Some of us may have heard the song, 'The Last Post'. It's a song that gives me a lump in the throat and usually tears in my eyes.

Let me take you guys through  the story behind this.

Reportedly, it all began in 1862 during the American Civil War, when Union Army Captain Robert Ellicombe was with his men near Harrison's Landing in Virginia . The Confederate Army was on the other side of the narrow strip of land.

During the night, Captain Ellicombe heard the moans of a soldier who lay severely wounded on the field. Not knowing if it was a Union or Confederate soldier, the Captain decided to risk his life and bring the stricken man back for medical attention. Crawling on his stomach through the gun-                          fire, the Captain reached the stricken soldier and began pulling him toward his encampment.

When the Captain finally reached his own lines, he discovered it was actually a Confederate soldier, but the soldier was dead.

The Captain lit a lantern and suddenly caught his breath and went numb with shock. In the dim light, he saw the face of the soldier. It was his son.The boy had been studying music in the South when the war broke out. Without telling his father, the boy enlisted in the Confederate Army.

The following morning, heartbroken, the father asked permission of his superiors to give his son a full military burial, despite his enemy status. His request was only partially granted.

The Captain had asked if he could have a group of Army band members play a funeral dirge for his son at the funeral. The request was turned down since the soldier was a Confederate.

But, out of respect for the father, they did say they could give him only one musician. The Captain chose a bugler. He asked the bugler to play a series of musical notes he had found on a piece of paper in the pocket of the dead youth's uniform.

This wish was granted.

This is how the haunting melody, we now know as 'The Last Post', used at military funerals was born.

The words are:

Day is done.
Gone the sun.
From the lakes.
From the hills.
From the sky.
All is well.
Safely rest.
God is nigh.
Fading light.
Dims the sight.
And a star.
Gems the sky.
Gleaming bright.
From afar.
Drawing nigh.
Falls the night.
Thanks and praise.
For our days.
Neath the sun
Neath the stars.
Neath the sky
As we go.
This we know.
God is nigh

Here is a link in case you would like to listen to the tune again.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Soldier stood and faced God,  Which must always come to pass.  
He hoped his shoes were shining,  Just as brightly as his brass.. 
  'Step forward now, Soldier ,  How shall I deal with you?  
Have you always turned the other cheek?  
To My Church have you been true?' 
The soldier squared his shoulders and said,  
'No, Lord, I guess I ain't.  
Because those of us who carry guns,  Can't always be a saint.   
I've had to work most Sundays,  And at times my talk was tough. 
And sometimes I've been violent,  Because the world is awfully rough.

But, I never took a penny, That wasn't mine to keep... 
Though I worked a lot of overtime,  When the bills got just too steep.

And I never passed a cry for help, Though at times I shook with fear..
And sometimes, God, forgive me,  I've wept unmanly tears.

I know I don't deserve a place, Among the people here. 
They never wanted me around,  Except to calm their fears

If you've a place for me here, Lord, It needn't be so grand. 
I never expected or had too much,  But if you don't, I'll understand.

There was a silence all around the throne, 
Where the saints had often trod. 
As the Soldier waited quietly,  For the judgment of his God.

'Step forward now, you Soldier, You've borne your burdens well. 
Walk peacefully on Heaven's streets,  You've done your time in Hell.'

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

सैनिक की अंतिम इच्छा : एक कविता
साथी घर जाकर मत कहना, संकेतों में बतला देना
यदि हाल मेरी माता पूछे, मुरझाया फूल दिखा देना
यदि इतना कहने से न माने, जलता दीपबुझा देना
यदि हाल मेरी बहना पूछे, मस्तक तिलक मिटा देना
यदि इतना कहने से न माने, तो राखी तोड दिखा देना
यदि हाल मेरी पत्नी पूछे, मांग सिंदूर मिटा देना
यदि इतना कहने से न माने, तो चूडी तोड दिखा देना
एक प्रणाम शहिदो के नाम
जिन्होने देश के लिए अपना सर्वस्व न्योछावर कर दिया